242 Sunset View Club

242 Sunset View Club

Sunset View Club, Calle San Blas, Golf del Sur, Canarias, 38639, Spain

Tap to call +34 616971654
242 Sunset View Club Sunset View Club, Calle San Blas, Golf del Sur, Canarias, 38639, Spain +34 616971654
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Booking particulars

Select the details of your booking requirements

Administration Fee
Administration Fee
35,00€ (7%) ( Per booking )
Beach Towels
Beach Towels
5,00€ (7%) ( Per booking )
Security Deposit
Security Deposit
100,00€ ( Per booking )
Your Details
Price Summary

night(s) at Per night



Accommodation inc tax
Extra adults
Services Total (inc tax)
Grand Total (inc tax):
Not-Refundable Deposit
Balance (after deposit paid)

City taxes :
Cleaning fee
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